This product may be used as an assessment or progress monitoring tool. It has 25 spatial/location vocabulary cards and 25 quality/adjectives vocabulary cards that may be used to elicit their comprehension of these specific concepts. I have also included 2 forms to record your students' understanding of the terms with ample space for additional progress monitoring administrations and recordings as well.
Here is a preview:
This is available for purchase in my TPT store at:
I have 2 additional forms available to assess students' knowledge of quantity, sequential, temporal, and social-emotional/feelings language concepts as well. Check back for product availability for that time saving resource for student baseline data check and progress monitoring.
****Product Update October 2015. I've added 3 additional levels of vocabulary elicitation cards. The spatial and qualitative concepts now include pictures that illustrate the concepts. When giving this informal assessment, you should give the student 1 step verbal direction paired with objects or pictures. These are the 4 levels of elicitation cards:
1) receptive ID- school themed illustrations with text
*pair with classroom object prompts
2) direct instruction- concept picture prompts with text
3) receptive ID- concept picture prompts only
4) expressive naming- concept picture prompts with cloze sentences
Thanks for visiting my blog today! Have a great day!
Tamara Anderson, M.S., CCC-SLP